Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Codswallop (i)

All this fuss about TV deceiving its viewers - most recently the ITV Alzheimer's documentary, and before that Blue Peter; A Year With the Queen; Gordon Ramsay's fish non-catching incident, and Bear Grylls' hotel adventures. There have been others.

But I really don't see what all the fuss is about. Well, I do, but I don't understand why it's happening now. We've been fed utter rubbish by the multifarious media for...for all time, really. From the 'best' news-givers to trashy tevelision we're fed lies, half-truths, one-sides and meaningless noises, so why start kicking up about it now? And why not about more important things like the utter bollocks that certain politicians get away with spouting? Maybe it's a good and pointed thing, we're beginning to comment on things like integrity, honesty and fairness...but whether this is extended to include the stuff that really matters remains to be seen - it is, however, a start; better than nowt.


Molly Laurel said...

Picture a small child that has just been told that Father Christmas is not real. See the expression on the child's face? That's me right now.

He... stayed... in hotels...?

Crumpetty said...

Apparently so, yep!
The camera crew etc. all stayed in nearby hotels, and he joined them. Can't say I blame him.

Molly Laurel said...

I don't exactly blame him either, but I thought he was amazing, I used to go on and on about Born Survivor to anyone who would listen!